
June 10, 2011

Focus on the Positive

Let me start this post out by stressing that I know how incredibly blessed we are to have our sweet Colton with us and to be expecting our second bundle of joy.  I know there are countless families out there who struggle to conceive, so I want to make it very clear that I, of course, recognize that my pregnancy is a blessing and do not mean any of the following as remarks of disrespect or taking something for granted, just my frank, light-hearted perspective on something going on in my life.
With that being said, I HATE being pregnant.  It's purely for silly, selfish reasons...I completely recognize that.  For one, I despise going to the doctor, like major case of white coat syndrome here in which every time I go, I am convinced something is going to be wrong, so having to go monthly (and then weekly) is just agonizing to me.  Then, there's that whole can't drink thing...yeah, kind of sucks to not be able to partake in all the cookout fun or have my weekend wine.  Oh, and don't even get me started on the awkward weight gain and distortion of my figure, especially now when I haven't "popped" yet so it's still that very weird stage of "man, she's really let herself go over the last few months." Oh, and one more thing...that unrelenting exhaustedness and total lack of motivation.  For someone who is constantly on the go, I think that may be the most frustrating part.
But with this pregnancy, I am determined to stop being such a brat.  There is a little life inside of me that Josh and I miraculously created.  And despite the aforementioned cons of pregnancy, even I can recognize that there are some really incredible pros that I have already and experienced and can continue to look forward to:

  • the look on people's faces when you reveal a pregnancy...from my parents (story on that to follow) to friends to coworkers and even the parents of my students, people's overwhelming joy for me/us is just more evidence of how much love we are lucky to be surrounded by (or just the fact that people love babies)
  • indulging in a few foods that I normally would not allow my figure-watching self to have (can you say nachos, dessert, and french fries just to name a few).  My pregnancy does not become a gorgefest, but let's face it: I'm not getting any skinnier (my favorite saying for the next 30ish weeks), so I may as well enjoy, right?
  • in that same vein, going to the gym is actually enjoyable again!  I've never minded working out per se...I just hate heavy working out that leaves you totally sweaty and out of breath.  Being pregnant means that kind of workout is a no-no, so light jogging, walking, swimming, etc. are it leaving me refreshed and revived.
  • planning a new bonus points this time because we will also have to plan Colton's big boy room as he will transition there once baby arrives
  • feeling baby move inside you...seriously an indescribable feeling
  • the looks of joy and kind gestures complete strangers give as they see your budding baby's amazing how many people offer to let you go ahead in line, give up their seat, hold the door open, etc.  On a side note, it's also a lovely social commentary to note those who do not

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