
June 23, 2011

$10 Well Spent

I have a bad habit.  Well, actually I have several, but one of them is that I tend to stare at other families who have a baby that appears to be about Colton's age.  I can't help it...I've always been a people watcher, but this watching babies thing is just a whole new level.  It always amazes me when the other babies are doing and saying the exact same things mine's like affirmation that he's normal, and we haven't completely messed him up yet...I  need that!
Well, on one such outing last week, we were seated next to a nice family for lunch and the little girl (who happened to be just 3 days younger than Colton...I asked...another bad habit) was eating off this thing:
As a family that eats out quite a bit, I had been looking everywhere for this exact thing, but amazingly had yet to find one that wasn't disposable (this one isn't!).  So, another bad habit...I asked the nice family where they had bought it.  Well, lo and behold, it must be family-with-baby code to be super nice to each other because they were more than eager to tell me it had been purchased it at Rite Aid about 7 years ago when they had their first child.  The husband told us people ask them every time they eat where they got it (see Josh, I'm not the only one).  The wife was kind enough to show me the mat and look on the back to see the brand name for me (Kiddopotamus).
When I got home, I immediately hit up Amazon and guess what...they have it (in three different colors: pink, blue, and green), so I ordered 2.  I share this ridiculously long story about a placemat with you because I'm guessing you fellow moms out there may be in need of a similar product.  At $10, I can honestly say it's one of my best purchases to date (and that's saying a lot).  So, go order yourself one (or a few) can thank me later (or curse me for writing such a long post about a freaking placemat).

1 comment:

  1. I do the SAME thing. I stare at other babies Julianna's age to see if she is doing the same stuff or more advanced, etc... what they are wearing and what toys they are playing with LOL. We eat out alot - and we got those disposable placemats (the ones that stick to the table) - a friend recommended them - and they are easy for us b/c we can just throw them out after the meal. Yeh its wasteful but it works for us. Good find on those re-usable placemats!! :)


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