
May 11, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Hump Day everyone!  I don't know about you, but this week has been particularly exhausting to me.  I think it may be the Spring Fever creeping in around school...the kids are seriously off their rockers, us teachers are all totally ready to just be done, and while the end is near (like 26 days...YAY!), it is still a little too far away to completely throw the towel in.  But today is Wednesday, which always excites me, not just because it means we are officially halfway to another weekend, but also because I am linking up with Jamie and reveling in my chance to look at all the great stuff in my life:

This week, I'm loving my fantastic, ginormous beach bag I got as a Mother's Day present from my sweet husband (plus a gift certificate for a pedicure from Colton and Chipper! lucky am I?!?).  It's amazing how much stuff you need to take to the beach when a toddler is joining you, so this beauty should help immensely.  Now, I just need a good beach day to use it for the first time.  

I'm loving Chipper's new hairdo.  His haircut was loooonnnngg overdue, like you could barely see his eyes, but I love a fluffy Chipper, so I always put it off.  This time, though, I'm kindof liking the slim and trim looking Chipper.  Weirdly enough, it seems to have transformed Chipper's personality as well and made him much more cuddly, the main thing I love!

I'm loving watching Hines Ward on Dancing with the Stars.  I don't usually watch the show, but as a diehard Steelers fan, I have committed to tuning in as long as Hines is still alive in the competition.  And I am proud to say he is kicking serious arse out there.  And it is so much fun to see Steelers Nation representing and waving their Terrible Towels like crazy after each of his dances.  Only a couple more weeks until the finale...keep it up Hines
how cute is he?!?

I'm loving the deal I found for Fresh Home Magazine.  I love this magazine, as it pretty much has everything I am interested in: DIY, home decor, food, parties.  And tonight, I managed to snag the next three years of it for just $15 (it only comes out quarterly, but still!).  Just click here if you want to get it too:)

And finally, I'm loving that we managed to have a drama-free family gathering  for the first time in awhile.  Sadly, our relationship has been strained with some family members for the last six months or so, and because I don't know who reads this and who doesn't, it's probably safer to not elaborate.  But, I am hopeful that Sunday marked the turning point and that things may finally go back to normal...fingers crossed!


  1. great things your loving! I love hines ward on DWTS!

  2. Those are some awesome things that you are loving today!!! Hope you have a great Wednesday!

  3. Hi! We are so ready for summer around here too. My second grader is almost "checked out" for the year. As a past teacher, I know how hard you are working!! As a mother of a student--I respect what you are doing so much!!
    I am a stay at home mother of three boys. I quit teaching after I had my oldest, Colton(good name right?). I saw that you are going to stay home next year! Good for you!! I know it is hard to leave a great job but trust me, you will never regret it. I always felt like I will never look back and say I wish I had worked more but I could wish that I had spent more time making memories with my kiddos.
    Sorry I rambled.
    Btw, cute bag and I am a new follower!

  4. Love that beach bag and your pup is adorable!


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