May 4, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Yep, it's that time of the week again...time for my weekly roundup of the things I'm loving.  It's actually Jamie's idea, and you should totally join in on the fun too.

I'm loving that it is Teacher Appreciation week and that I have some wonderful parents/students in my class who have definitely been showing the love.  One of my moms organized a daily surprise for me...on Monday, each child brought me a snack and yesterday each child brought me a note telling me why they like me so much!  Plus, our PTA has organized some fun stuff and one of my little girls brought me a gift card to a local salon/spa!  I can't wait to see the rest of my surprises for the week; it sure is nice to feel appreciated!

I'm loving that there are only 31 days left...not only in the school year, but I am pretty firmly decided that I will be taking a break from teaching next year to stay home with my baby boy.  I am a little worried and sad to be giving up something I love so much, but am so excited to spend so much quality time with my little man each day.  I mean, just look at this cuteness:

I'm loving espadrille wedges.  I got these from Nine West a couple weeks ago and have worn them whenever appropriate since:
And, yesterday one of my coworkers had these on from Payless (!), and I have decided I will be purchasing them as well considering I definitely need a black pair.  Hmmmm...too much?
I'm loving that we have our first flower blooming in my overhauled flower beds.  I am a notorious black thumb...I kill I am excited at the prospect that all my hard work may actually pay off:
I'm loving that Mother's Day is this weekend.  Now that I am a mom, Mother's Day is a really special opportunity to take stock of how lucky I am to have so much in my life.  Hope you all have a good one too:)


  1. I would want to stay home with that cutie patootie too! They grow and change so much - so fast!
    Hooray for your flowers blooming!!!

  2. Wow that is quite the decision to make! I would have a hard time with that but in the end, you are doing the best thing for your son! I am kind of (Ok, a lot) jealous! :) Enjoy it!

  3. Looks like you have some awesome things you are loving right now!!! Love those wedges!

  4. love the wedges! and yay for getting to stay home!!


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