
April 18, 2011

Spring Break-Down

Yay!!!  Spring Break, undoubtedly one of my favorite aspects of being a teacher, has FINALLY arrived.  I mean, seriously, how do you non-teachers do it?  I have literally been counting down the days to this break since our Christmas one ended. 
As with any other break, my goal is to make this week a perfect combination of fun, productivity, and relaxation.  To help me accomplish this, I have made a list of all the things I want to accomplish during this week sojourn from the first graders.  I don't know if it's the anticipation of crossing things off, my OCD, or just my love of lists, but each break I swear I have as much fun making my list as I do actually attempting to complete it (I know I'm lame).  So without further ado, here is my Spring Break to-do list:
  • get car inspected (yep, it's like a month overdue...oops)
  • make green bean casserole for Passover Seder
  • redo flower beds
  • finish Spring cleaning projects
    • back closets
    • Colton's closet
  • spring shopping spree: me and Colton
  • beach day
  • Colton fun day
  • Chipper grooming/vet appointment
The list doesn't look too long, but then again, I only have one week (tear, tear) to accomplish it, so I think it's good for now.  The best news, though, is that I have already crossed one thing off my list.  Yesterday, Josh and I tackled our back closets.  After putting away baby items, throwing away tons of junk, and moving a lot more stuff to our garage sale/Goodwill pile, our closets now look like this:

with space for our much-needed second refrigerator

I know those are probably not that exciting to you all, but this is what we were dealing with before our major purging:
and that doesn't really do it justice!

And just in case you were worried that our weekend was all work and no play (and because I want to show off our super cute, snazzed up little man), here's a picture of us right before my friend's wedding this weekend:
Yep, the perfect balance of fun and productivity so far!  Hopefully I'll keep it up:) 
How about you guys?  Do you spend your downtime getting stuff done?  Or just relaxing?  Or do you strive for a combo like I do?


  1. I'm a teacher on Spring Break too! It's a much needed week off, isn't it?! I love that you have a to-do list! I have one too! Good luck crossing everything off!

    Visiting from Mingle Monday! Hope you have a great day!

  2. I'm an avid list maker myself! It's so great to cross things off!

    I'm pretty sure I found your blog somewhere else once, but today, I found it through Mingle Monday!
    I'm a new follower!


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