
April 27, 2011

Random Motherhood Musings

After spending some extended time with my little boy last week, it was very clear to me that the 13 month old version of Colton presents some very different challenges than the 9 month old one (the age he was the last time I had extra time with him).  After a week spent with him, here are my latest observations:
1.  My baby boy is learning about his world and taking EVERYTHING in.  He does some of the freaking cutest things now.  He takes Chipper's food from the bowl in the kitchen, carries it to Chipper in the living room, and feeds it to him.  He takes things out and then puts them back away!  He sits in his chair and points the remotes at the tv.   And the best....when he hears someone say "hello," he puts his hand to his ear like it is a phone!!!

2.  Our little boy needs some discipline ASAP.  Colton has become quite the handful now that he is mobile.  Everyone had warned us, and I thought I was prepared, but I did not realize that the mobility would also make his mischevious.  The biggest problem is that Colton seems very aware of the things he is not supposed to do, but seems to think the word "no" is funny and not evidence that he should stop.  Even my sternest, meanest "no" has been greeted with Colton giggles, and lately he has started smiling at us the entire way over to the thing he is not supposed to be doing...clearly a game of come and get me, but we have to go and get him because he can't pull all the liquor bottles down/unplug the tv/eat the dog's food.  My mom suggested we get his pack and play out and use that as a place to corral him after he has had a few strikes and keeps going back to the prohibited activity.  I think that sounds like a good idea, so that's our next plan of attack.  Anyone else have a similar issue or solution?
Colton's first timeout...
3.  Colton needs constant supervision.  Sure, this sounds obvious, but any mom knows that there are times you just have to get things take a shower.  I used to be able to take care of these things by putting Colton in his bouncy seat and handing him a bottle...he was perfectly content.  Well, now that we have graduated to sippy cup, Colton ususally just drinks with his meals, so this is no longer an option.  So, when I tried to take a shower recently, I reasoned that if I just closed the door to the bathroom and put the toilet seat down, there was really no damage my little boy could cause.  Two minutes into said shower, I peeked out to see him taking the lid off the trash can and playing with the trashcan's contents...super!  About one minute later, I heard our bathroom shelves rattling back and forth, and my shower quickly came to an end. 
Another day I attempted to blowdry my hair/do my makeup while letting baby boy roam.  Of course, I was smart enough to provide him with some toys, but as soon as he saw my open makeup drawer, its contents became irresistable.  A couple minutes later, my brand new bottle of MAC foundation had shattered on the floor.
So, this is where Colton now hangs out if mommy needs to get something done (our latest and greatest bedroom accessory)...

So, that's what's been going on around here lately!  Anybody else having as much fun as we are?  Actually, for as active as our baby boy is and the increased work he now requires, I must say I am enjoying this phase of his life immensely.  I just enjoy his bedtime/naptime immensely as well!


  1. Too funny (well not really) about the MAC foundation - that would be upsetting to me too LOL. You are right though, Julianna just starteed crawling and already it is amazing HOW MUCH she is getting into. Sheesh! Each day I am having to move stuff around and put things 'away' so she doesn't get to them. Here we go ...
    Oh and yeah - the word "NO" Is funny & they are supposed to laugh at you & not take it seriously lol

  2. That's the cutest little time-out face I've ever seen though :) It's funny...when Gabe is eating and getting bored, he'll put his fingers in his mouth and start making noises, thus spraying sweet potato everywhere. We say NO! but the noises are pretty hysterical so it's hard keeping a straight face when trying to discipline him. And now he's climbing stairs. So even though we're a few months behind Colton, I feel your pain Mama.


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