
April 29, 2011

Fun-Nominal Fridays

OK ladies (and gentleman who may be reading too, which is probably limited to my Papa), it's time for my weekly installment of Fun-Nominal Fridays.  I started this little tradition a couple of weeks ago and must say I kindof like it.  It gives me forces me to look back at my week and find the positives.  It also gives me the (much easier) opportunity to look ahead to the weekend and get excited for the fun stuff coming up.  It's quite cathartic, so here we go...

This week was great because the first graders came back from Spring Break totally grown up: smarter, aware of what they should be doing, and totally enjoyable.  I really do love my job (I just wish I could do it part time so I could spend more time with my baby too), espeically because not only are these six and seven year olds a blast, but I am so lucky to work with some ladies that I now consider some of my closest friends.  I am still undecided about what I am going to do next year: go back or not, but this week reminds me why I chose the profession that I did...gotta love a little validation!

Colton with a few of my first graders on the night of their big winter performance!

This weekend I am looking forward to going to dinner with my parents on Saturday night.  It's been awhile since we went out with just my parents, and we (actually) have a pretty good time with them when we do... let's just say there was an infamous night on my 25th birthday trip to NYC where my father ended up at Josh and my hotel room door in his boxers after a night of Jager shots.  Yep, we usually have a good time, although I think this weekend's dinner will be much more tame (I am a mom now afterall!).

Josh chilling with mom and I circa a few years ago (notice the drained martini)
Other than that, we have absolutely zero plans...YAY for chances to relax and spend time with my three favorite boys.
So, you wanna join in the fun????  Come on, please, don't make me beg!!!  Just create a post with your own weeks' highlights and the things you are most looking forward to for the weekend.  Then, just follow these simple steps:
1.  Become a Virginia Beach Housewife follower.  Just click over there--------->
2.  Link up and share your post.
3.  For even more fun, answer this week's bonus question in your post or leave a comment:
                    Do you have any fun Royal Wedding viewing plans?  What are they?
4.  Stop by other blogs that are linking up.  Make sure to tell them you are linking up from Fun-Nominal Friday.  Feel free to even grab my button and use it on your blog, so we can get more people stopping by:

It's so easy, and lots of fun.  I don't know about you, but I love getting little glimpses into people's lives.  So, please, please, please, join in the fun

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