
April 22, 2011

Fun-Nominal Friday

Last Friday, I started a lovely little tradition (if I don't say so myself) over here at Virginia Beach Housewife.  I am all about reflection these days and think it's good practice to take the time to look at all the good things going on in know, so the little stuff doesn't stress you out (trust me, it works).  Well, anyhow, I have decided Fridays are the perfect day for looking back at the fun highlights of the week and looking ahead to the promise of fun the weekend holds. 

So, this week I am fortunate to have tons of fun highlights (it was Spring Break afterall!).  At the beginning of the week, I made a to-do list and am thrilled to have completed everything on it.  This week was the perfect combination of relaxation and productivity, time for myself and time with my baby...seriously, it was a great week and makes me even more anxious to get to summer (38 teaching days left) where it will be an everyday reality.  So, picking just one highlight is pretty impossible, but here were a few of my favorites:
My sister and I had a nice lunch at California Pizza Kitchen (nice lunches are something we teachers don't get often, so it's really exciting to get the chance). 
As a former swimmer, I was super excited to take Colton swimming ('s not that warm here yet!).  And finally, I got to spend a day at the beach with my baby boy:

Plus, Colton was kind enough to allow me to sleep until at least 7:30 each morning...I mean, really, could this week have been any better?!?

As for the weekend, it seems the good trend is going to continue because again I have a few things to look forward to.
For one, my sister and I are hitting the mall today for a little shopping spree.  I need new clothes, Colton needs new clothes, and I have some gift cards left over from my birthday to burn...YAY!
We have a nice dinner out planned with my whole family for Friday night.  Of course, I am excited to spend some quality time with all of them, but the real excitement is that we are going to Press 626, a yummy wine bar and restaurant.  It is near my school, so I have been a few times and have always wanted Josh to try it, so I am excited that he gets to (we both love restaurants!)
I am totally looking forward to Colton's first Easter...well, actually, it's his second but last year, he was only a few days old, so there was no Easter Bunny fun for us!  We have not hemmed down our official plans yet, but it looks like we will be doing brunch with some friends and hopefully taking Colton to the Hunt Club Farm Easter extravaganza.  How much fun does this look (seriously, I have become such a mom!):

Wanna join in on the reflection?  Link up and share your highlights and exciting upcomings.  I've even designed a cool button :

Here's the rules so you can join in (please!):
1.  Must be a Virginia Beach Housewife follower...just click over there---------->
2.  Go visit other blogs and make sure you let them know you're stopping by from Fun-Nominal Fridays. 
3.  Link up and share your fun!
4.  For even more fun, answer this week's bonus question:
                     What is your favorite Easter tradition?

Oh, and it would be really nice of you to share the love and put my little button in your post...this way, we all get more visitors:)

So, wanna join in (c'mon you know you do).  Just click the link below:

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a great week. I am just looking forward to being that much closer to having my husband home.

    Easter is low key this year for me and the kids. Enjoy!


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