
March 30, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Colton and I are at home today.  His tummy is having a bad reaction the amoxicilin he is on (we think!), and his babysitter will not let him attend daycare until he is poop-free (we're a little irritated, can you tell?).  Despite missing my umpteenth (unpaid) day of work for this year, we are trying to look at the bright side.  One positive is I get the chance to participate in a super fun blog hop that I have seen tons of my bloggy friends do, but have never had the chance to actually participate in...the What I'm Loving Wedneday hop with Jamie over at this kind of love
I'm loving that despite being a little irritated with our babysitter, I have now spent a fantastic Wednesday at home with my two favorite boys.  Bonus points for the fact that it is cold and rainy; therefore, spending the day in my pj's on the couch is way more appealing than dealing with 24 first graders on an indoor recess day!

I'm loving that my DVR is fully stocked with goodies like The Real Housewives of Orange County, Bethenny Ever After, Teen Mom, and The Real Housewives of Miami (although I'm not as fond as this one as the other Housewives series).  Colton's naptime sure will be productive and enjoyable!
I'm loving that we had about 40 people over Saturday to celebrate baby boy's first birthday with us.  It is so nice to know that there are so many people who love our sweet baby as much (well, close to) as we do.
Colton with his Papa and Papa Sr., who flew in from Florida just for the party!
I'm loving these green zig zag pillows and especially their $27 price tag for 2!!!  Now just to figure out if they would be a little too much pattern action with my other pillows?

Toss Pillows Set of Two- Zig Zag - Village Green
I'm loving that a little girl in my class went from a a DRA level 4 to a DRA level 14 in one quarter.  For those of you not familiar with it, the DRA asseses reading level and a 4 was pretty much failing first grade, where as the 14 is right on grade level....HUGE progress in just a couple months time.  Reminds me why I love doing what I do.

I'm loving my adorable family (and husband despite his lack of picture below)
how cute would they be to come home to every day...I'm one lucky girl!


  1. Congrats on the DRA level. I am a kindergarten teacher and we administer DRA, so I understand how huge that is.

    Your blog it too cute!

  2. Your DVR sounds just like mine:-) Much to the chagrin of my poor hubby! BUT, he surprises me and usually watches them with me? What a funny man! xoxo

  3. What great things you are loving today! I hope that you had a great Wednesday!


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