
March 16, 2011

I Read a Book!

Obviously this shouldn't be such a big deal, but between working full time, being a mom, reading/writing blogs, etc I don't remember the last time I read a book. But this year I was resolved to start reading again, so I figured our trip (well more the airplane time) would be the perfect place to start on my conquest.

A couple weeks ago, I read someone talking about the book Water for Elephants. It didn't sound like my cup of tea...a circus setting from the 1920s. I usually am a straight chick- lit kind of girl, but when Colton's babysitter offered to loan me Water for Elephants (I commented on it when I saw it on her table and she raved about it) I figured it was worth a try. And I'm really glad I did. It was a quick, easy read (I finished it in a total of about 4 hours). It was fast paced and not at all predictable. I am glad I stepped out of my comfort zone, and very excited to have rediscovered let's just hope I keep it up once I am back home!
So, now that I am on my roll...what do you all reccomend?  Any good reads out there for my next conquest?


  1. Have you read The Art of Racing in the Rain? It's a book from a dog's perspective but it is incredible. I think you will really really enjoy it! And it's an easy read.

  2. Oh, I'm a chick lit lover too! I will have to check this one out though.

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  4. LOVED Water for Elephants! It really stayed with me & I read it years ago.

    Have you read:
    The Sercet Life of Bees
    The Help
    The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

    All books that I really loved

  5. I agree with Bernadette that The Secret Life of Bees is another good one! I'm getting The Help from the library this weekend--have heard really good things about that one too!


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