
March 10, 2011

Bye Bye Baby

Well, today is the day...the day that I have simoltaneously been eagerly anticipating and dreading since this trip was planned a few months ago.  Today, Josh and I leave for New Orleans.  This is our first legitimate vacation since our honeymoon three and a half years ago (I don't count Washington DC or the Outer Banks of North Carolina, both of which we have frequented in those years, because we do go so regularly).  I love to travel and explore new places, so I am really excited to get somewhere new with my lovely husband.
However, this trip also marks the first time we will leave baby boy behind...tear, tear, tear.   True, he has spent the night out before...but we have never been in a different city, we have never gone days without seeing his sweet face, we have never gone a day without being able to hold him.  Just thinking about it gives me an anxiety attack (almost, literally) and makes me want to cry.

I mean, just look at that sweet face!?!
Colton is staying with my parents, and I know he is in good hands.  And I also fullheartedly believe that it is essential to the health of our marriage that Josh and I still take time to just do "us," the us we were before we were parents to this beautiful baby boy, the us that created this wonderful life that I so love living.  So, off to New Orleans we go...I am confident my anxiety will cease once we get there, we will have a FABULOUS time, and I will eagerly return to my sweet baby Sunday afternoon and hold him for the rest of the night.


  1. Awwww... good luck!!! It's going to be hard. I heard it and heard it, and didn't think it would be THAT hard for me, but it was!! My husband and I went to Vegas for 4 days and left our son (4 months old at the time) for the first time with my mother-in-law. I cried upon saying goodbye. I cried the entire way to Las Vegas. I cried like a baby at night. And continued to cry until I was home with him.
    But it's normal. And yes, you and your husband need your times away too!!

  2. Hi, I'm coming over ffrom weekend wander!
    I know it's hard to let go, but, still, enjoy your trip!!!
    Happy weeekend!!
    Chrissy xxx


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