February 7, 2011

Toiletries Tamed

Baby Colton was hit with two massive trains last week: the flu and strep throat!!!  As I'm sure any mom would agree, there is absolutely nothing worse than seeing your sweet, bouncing baby boy turn into an immobile, miserable mess...sooo helpless:(  Luckily, after a few days of medicine, rest and mommy time, baby boy has regained his pep.  The other good news from the week is that I, of course, took advantage of the unplanned time off and baby downtime to conquer a couple easy projects, including finally tackling my ridiculous makeup toiletries drawer. 
I keep all of my daily toiletries in the top drawer of our bathroom vanity for easy access during the morning rush.  Unfortunately, my drawer's chaos didn't really translate into a fast and easy get ready process.  In fact, it was getting downright ridiculous speding precious minutes of my morning searching through this:
Well, lucky for me (and my drawer), we get our prescriptions filled at Target (highly recommended by the way, so at least you spend your wait time looking at all kinds of fun stuff).  So, as Colton and I were patiently waiting for his Tamiflu and some other medicine, I was browsing the nearby makeup aisles.  That is when I found this:

It's made my Caboodle (you know you had one back in the day).  And for only $14, it has solved all my woes.  Because this is what my toiletries drawer looks like now:

Anything I need is now easy access!  Woo to the hoo!  I love organizational tools, don't you?  It just makes everything seem to fit so much better.


  1. Hello! Found you via Mingle Monday. Glad to hear your little one is feeling better. I NEED to tackle my product shelf (I have a shelf instead of a drawer because at this point I have WAY to many hair/beauty products!)

  2. This is great! I have been wondering what I was going to use in the built-in bedroom vanity in our new house. I basically have everything thrown in the drawers at the moment and it's making me crazy! I will be making a trip to Target soon!


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