
February 18, 2011

Put the Ipad Down

Hi.  My name is Michelle, and I'm addicted to my Ipad.  Let me also introduce my husband, Josh.  He too is addicted to his Ipad.  Here's a little peak into our night.  Josh gets home from work, we eat dinner as a family, Josh washes the dishes as I give Colton a bath, the three of us play together until Colton goes to bed sometime between 7:15 and 7:30 (he wakes up super early, so the early bed time is a must), then we both take out the Ipads...I blog, read blogs, play some games, etc...Josh reads, plays games, watches YouTube videos, searches for who knows what, etc...until about 9:30/10 when we both put them down to go to bed.  

I'm sure you see the problem.  Sure there is some conversation through the night, but obviously, quality time with my lovely husband is severely lacking.  Back at the New Year, I made a resolution that we were going to have Wireless Wednesdays in this house.  Well, like most resolutions, that lasted about 2.4 seconds.  Josh was the first to cave in...he had to check something real quick, and soon enough, I too was checking something.  By the next week, we didn't even attempt it.  You see the thing is as much as I would like Josh and I to have some bonding time nightly, I also really enjoy my time with my technology.  After spending the vast majority of my day with 23 first graders and then tending to my adorable baby boy, it is really nice to sit down and be able to read/write/search/play without anyone interupting me.  While I haven't asked Josh directly, I know he feels the same way. 
So, what is the solution?  We do get some quality time together on weekends when our less hectic days lead to nights with the technology turned off, but is that enough?  Should we put more limits on our tuned in time?  But then again, by making rules and taking away a pleasure of both of ours, it then takes the quality time and turns it into an obligation which completely negates the purpose, right?  I'm sure (or at least I hope so) that we're not the only ones who have this issue.  How do you all handle technology in your abode, or does it handle you like it seems to do for us?


  1. 15 years ago, a couple who both read separate books before turning out the lights was just, the book is replaced by an ipad. So what....are there other issues where this gets in the way? if not, I what makes you both happy and relaxed. Marriage is until death do you a little separate time on the ipad is no big deal in my book!

    PS..I am jealous, I want an ipad!

  2. Hello from Mingle Monday! I love your blog! I have an iPad and my hubby has a galaxy touch and we both get on them for about 10-15 minutes a night while we are home together. I think as long as you are conscience about having quality time together without the electronics you will make sure you follow through with those thoughts.

    PS...I'm totally obsessed with my iPad too :)

  3. If you both are happy then you are good. Its when it gets ugly in your house that it is a problem. for me I work as a virtual assistant and I have been contracted to write a book. A vast majority of my time is spent plugged into the computer. My husband is fine with that. It gives him time to decompress after a long day. Sounds like you are pretty plugged into eachother on the weekends. I say you guys are fine


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