
February 15, 2011

Man, I'm Cool...

OK, probably not, but I am incredibly humbled that Maloree over at A Day in My Life was kind enough to give me my very first blogger award this week...
I'm probably totally over-reacting, but I've never won anything in my life (nothing I can remember anyways).  Plus, I am totally flattered that people other than my mom and sister are actually reading my little ole blog.  So, thank you Maloree and to all of you reading.  It seriously makes me smile one of those big, giddy smiles.

As for the award itself, it has a few conditions:
1.  Thank the person who gave you the award.  (thanks again, Maloree!)
2.  Share 7 things about yourself (oy vey, watch out world)
3.  Pass the award on to 10 versatile bloggers.
4.  Let those bloggers know you have awarded them.

So, here's my 7 things (you have been warned to proceed with caution...these are scary random):
1.  I truly consider myself to be a very fortunate person.  I have so much in my life to be thankful for, and I try to be cognizant of that constantly.  I seriously believe that if I do not appreciate all that I have been blessed with that it might be taken away (karma, if you will), so I appreciate daily.
2.  I seriously have White Coat Syndrome (afraid of doctors, if you're unfamiliar).  I literally have panic episodes at the mere mention of a doctor's office visit, no matter how routine the visit.   Obviously, pregnancy meant meeting my fears head on, and I did a pretty good job during it, but now I'm as bad as always.
3.  I will watch any and all reality tv, and I will enjoy it.  You name it, my DVR is set to record just about any reality show...Teen Mom, Real Housewives of...., Keeping Up with the Kardashians, etc.  I watch them all.  Love them all.
4.  I talk to my mom and sister every day on my way home from work.  Some people think it's ridiculous, but I like how close we are.
5.  As much as I love being a teacher, I constantly wonder what else I could do with my life...I have considered opening a restaurant, starting a party planning business, writing a book.  I think my main motivation is something that I could be more in control of, but I always fall short of actually following through with these plans.  Maybe one day?
6.  I think I enjoy planning things (trips, parties, etc) more than I actually enjoy doing them, or at least equal.  I am always looking for the next project to take on, and by take on, I mean map out each detail at nauseum.
7.  I love food.  I always watch those specials, mainly on Oprah, where they discuss they say that feeding your body with food is compensating for something else, blah, blah, blah.  I've thought long and hard about what supressed need I could be trying to fulfill and quite frankly, I disagree...I just really love good food.  

Sorry...told you they were random.

And now, for 10 fantastic blogs I really enjoy reading.  I am going to bend the rules a little here.  As a novice in the blogging world, full time teacher and mom, I have not had as much time as I would like to explore other blogs.  Most of the blogs I read are fairly well known and do not necessarily need my little recognition, but I am going to give a shout out to them anyways.  So, 10 of my daily reads are:
1.  Young House Love
2.  Bower Power
3.  Shannanigans
4.  Life of Meg
5.  Poodleism
6.  Making It Lovely
7. How About Orange
8.  Thrifty Decor Chick
9.  The Shabby Nest
10.  This Life of Ours

So there they are:)  And once again a huge thanks to Maloree for thinking of little ole me:)


  1. Let me know when you are ready to start that business, I would make a good business partner :)

  2. You are so welcome! I was so excited when I found your blog! I just knew somewhere out there I could find someone from VA & in the Tidewater area who blogs as well! I'm from Norfolk, VA although currently living near the Fayetteville, NC area because my husband is in the army!

    PS I loved the Chalkboard wall calendar!

  3. Thanks so much for the shout out! I love your blog too! The little pat on the back made my morning. Congrats on your award, have a super day!


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