
January 20, 2011

History in the Making

With Colton's first birthday (and party!!!) just a couple months away, I have been busy designing his invitations.  Aside from the invite, there is going to be another piece in the envelope explaining Colton's time capsule project.  Time capsule project?, you ask....well, let me explain. Colton is a very spoiled little boy...both in love and material objects.  Our friends and family have been so generous with us before his birth and over the past year that we really want to use his first birthday party as a celebration of his life, not as another chance to collect presents for baby boy.  But knowing that people don't like to show up to these kind of things empty handed, I was searching for some other task we could assign.  In searching, I came across the idea of a time capsule.  Basically, Colton's party guests will each bring something that commemorates Colton's first year of life, as in his first year or literally the year 2010.  We will seal up the capsule, and Colton will open it again on his 18th birthday.  The whole thing already makes me tear up a little...I mean, to think, my baby boy will be 18 one day...AAAHHH.
But anyhow, back to the time capsule.  I got my main inspiration here:
In designing the time capsule explanation, I have listed a few suggestions people can use:
  • A letter to Colton in the future
  •  A special photo memory with Colton
  • Newspaper or magazine articles from the year
  • Sports results from the year
  • Coins or bills with 2010 on them
  • Music cd with popular songs from this year
  • Common toys of today
  • Receipts from common purchases
  • Pop culture fads mementos
 Ever since I decided on the time capsule, my mind has been reeling with things that we should put in there...Coltons' going home outfit, a menu to Wild Wing Cafe (his daddy's favorite and frequent hangout, as in we go once a week), some sort of Facebook reference, a Steelers Super Bowl winning headline (ok wishful thinking, but fingers crossed).  You all have any ideas for me?  Or know any other fun first birthday activities we should try?


  1. No new ideas, but wow, what an excellent idea for your little guy's first birthday. Savor the moments, they truly snap by like a click of fingers. This comes from first-hand experience. My babies are now 22, 20, & 16. Every birthday which passes, I'm usually in tears reflecting on years passed. Enjoy this sweet time and have loads of fun! Colton is really going to cherish this gesture to look back in time when he's 18. God bless!

    BTW, skipped over from Thirsty Thursday blog hop. Venture over to my place, if you wish @

    Happy blogging!

  2. The lady I babysit for did this for her housewarming party. I took a picture of a sign at the gas station showing gas prices - I was running out of time :) People came up with some really cool things to put inside. It was a fun project and everyone enjoyed it.

  3. This is such a cute idea, Michelle! I think Colton will treasure that very much. I just landed on your blog from and I love it! I am now following you thanks to Thirsty Thursday, and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
    Also today we have the coolest blog hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in with us at Boost My Blog Friday :) See you there! Happy Friday!


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