December 24, 2010


I've been watching a lot of morning tv this week. Every day (and every year for that matter), they seem to have a story along the same general theme: how to eat healthy at the holidays. I'm sure you've seen the various stories as well: how to survive a holiday party, which cocktails have less calories, which Christmas side dishes to avoid, over and over. Oddly, my issue isn't really with the redudancy. But everytime I listen to one of these segments, the only thought I seem to have is: who the h-e-double hockey sticks wastes their time watching what they eat over the holidays? I mean, is it just me, or isn't this the time to throw all caution to the wind and just suck up the fact that you're probably going to gain a few l-b's?

Don't get me wrong, I am pretty darn dilligent about what I eat for 50 weeks out of the year (mainly because if I'm not, I would quickly balloon), but I very much look forward to my couple weeks of gluttony each year. It's like my cleansing, although technically the exact opposite I guess. Either way, after two weeks of total indulgence, it is out of my system, and I'm ready, even eager, to start the year on a health kick.
So, with Christmas officially upon us, who's with me? Are you that health-nut that I love/hate? Or are you like me...the caloric overindulger?
Either way, have a merry Christmas

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