
December 31, 2010


2010 has been one of those pinch yourself kind of years around here.  Obviously, we had the joy of the birth of our baby boy.  We also moved into our fantastic abode, doubling our former square footage.  After a banner work year (for Josh, not me), we should be living completely debt free in a few days.  Above all that, we are healthy and happy.'s been a great year!
But new years bring about reflection, and I am a believer that there is always progress to be made if you look hard enough.  When I was little, we would all gather on my parents' bed on New Year's morning to write down our resolutions for the year.  As I've grown older, I have given up on the tradition of writing down my resolutions, but my wise husband recently taught me that you are much more likely to accomplish something if you write it down.  So....drum roll, are my resolutions/goals for 2011:
1.  Stop biting my fingernails (sadly, I think this was always on my list when I was younger as well...hopefully this will be the year!)
2.  Wireless Wednesdays here at the Hobbs abode: Josh and I have developed the terrible habit of hanging out on the computers and Ipads all night.  Let's just say that doesn't lend itself to much quality time with my hubby.  We have decided we will use Wednesday nights as our way to disconnect from the virtual world and reconnect with eachother...let's see how long this lasts?!?
3.  Find some real "me" time.  Not to sound like the "pat myself on the back" type, but being a mom, housewife, and teacher sure does take up a lot of time.  Minutes to myself end up being spent doing dishes, or straightening up a room, or even taking a shower (gasp!).  It's not that Josh doesn't offer to let me have some time to do my stuff (not often, but he does offer), but I, like most other mothers (I think?), have a guilty conscience for some reason about not spending those precious moments with my husband or baby, especially considering I work so many hours of the week.  I have come to realize, though, that by not taking those small moments now, I may become resentful later on, and that's no benefit to anyone. time it is!
4.  Respond to people in a promptly manner.  I don't know when I got so bad at this, but I blame it on all my mobile devices.  Oftentimes, I will read a text, email, facebook wall post, even a blog comment while en route, and by the time I get home, I forget about responding....RUDE (I know).  Since I probably shouldn't be checking these things while driving anyway, hopefully this resolution will help nix the two evils
I think that's a solid three to work on.  What about you guys?  Do you make New Year's Resolutions?  Or goals?  Care to share any?


  1. new follower via a hop today!

    sounds like 2010 was a wonderful year (congrats on the baby & new home) - wishing you more of the same in 2011!

    Finding some "ME" time as a mom is hard! Good luck with that! I find that the few moments I steal away with a book or to blog (though mostly late at night when everyone else is asleep) keep me sane!

    come follow me back at

    Hope to see you there!

    Happy New Year!!

  2. I am also terrible about getting back to people and i should make that ine if my new years resolutions, i just don't think I will really change this terrible habit. This year i have decided i need to save more. I had the same resolution last year and i did great until i got my tax return and decided who needs to save now. Well i now realize how stupid that was so hopefully this year will be better. Good luck on all of your resolutions especially finding "me" time.

  3. I absolutely love the wireless wednesday idea! I need to find enough "me" time to make some goals for next year! Best wishes for 2011 =)

  4. Thanks everyone! Good luck with your resolutions as well.
    By the way...did you notice I day before 2011 officially even started. I know you're impressed:)


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