December 15, 2010

Now It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Our weekend went a little something like this...

And then this...
YAY!!! We got our tree and decorated it. I love coming home to the smell of fresh pine. I love even more how pretty the lights look at night with most of our other lights turned off. It was so much fun, too. We went to a nearby church to purchase our tree. The men were primed and ready for soon as we even hinted at which tree we wanted, they had it pulled down and were ready to chainsaw the bottom branches off. While they tied it to the top of my car, we went inside to pay and they had a bake/craft sale set up inside. One of the nice women even gave Colton a c-o-o-k-i-e (she spelled it, not me...I didn't think it was necessary to tell her he wouldn't have understood the word either).

We saved decorating the tree for after Colton's bedtime on Sunday night. 9 month old, crawling, newly pulling up babies and Christmas trees don't mix, ya know? But Josh and I had a good time strining lights and hanging ornaments, especially those priceless memory ones. We smiled at Colton's picture from last Christmas (his ultrasound picture from early last December), Chipper's puppy portrait from two Christmases ago, and our "first Christmas" ornament that was our very first ornament purchase. It was also really exciting to put up "Colton's first Christmas" ornament, an adorable blue onesie on a hanger, that I know we will grow to cherish.

After all my inner-debate about not having the chicest tree on the block, I am so glad we stuck with our memory makers. I mean, that is what Christmas is about, isn't it...memories?

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