
December 29, 2010

Christmas Morning Delight

I didn't have a very long list of things I wanted this holiday season.  There were just 4 things: 1. new Uggs (thanks, G), 2. end tables, 3. long sleeve shirts (got plenty of Christmas cash/gift cards, so those two should be able to be checked off), and my 4. (a pipedream at best) a camera.  Well, I thought it was a pipedream until Christmas morning when my wonderful husband gave me my present to open and lo and behold, it was a camera. 
Before we proceed, I should probably explain some things about my photography skills, or lack thereof.  Before Colton was born, I barely ever took pictures.  Even since his arrival, I have managed to take his picture daily, but usually forget to take pictures of anything else.  Essentially, I am not a photographer, nor do I plan on really exploring the craft (although some days I wish I would).  But, I have wanted a better camera.  It all started when my cousin visited in May and took some amazing photos of baby boy.  Then, I started blogging and noticed how pathetically lame my pictures were in comparison to every other blog's.  So, I needed a new camera, but didn't really plan to study it like I should to get its full use (of course, I didn't divulge that little tidbit to my lovely husband because then he would never get me my camera).
Well, Josh knows me too well because this is what he got me:

It's the Sony NEX-3 Megapixel Digital Camera.   It is lightweight and portable like a point and shoot, but has interchangable lenses and capabilities of a digital SLR.  Josh said the man at Best Buy said that it blows other introductory SLR cameras away, but the others obviously are better if you plan on adding lenses, etc. to them. I have taken most of my photos in the "intelligent mode," which basically means you can be a complete dumba** and still take fantastic photos.  See?
If and when I get some guts and some time, I am going to experiment with all those fancy camera features, like changing the apperture and shutter speed (whatever the h-e-double hockey sticks they are).
Basically, I am in LOVE with my camera (thank you honey) and highly recommend it to anyone who wants high quailty photos without putting forth much effort.


  1. How exciting getting a new camera...I would love to have one..I have to skills when it comes to picture taking..maybe a new camera would help..I am your new follower via For the Love of Blogs..

    hop on over to mine and check it out...thank you

  2. Thanks for following! I will be stopping by soon


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