
December 22, 2010

Breaking Down My Break

It is finally here: the 12 glorious days of Winter Break that I, as a teacher, look forward to since September. 12 days to relax, 12 days to get things done, 12 days to spend with much to do, and while I hate to think about it now, really so little time. Sadly, these 12 days will go by in the blink of an eye, and soon it will be back to work, counting down the days until Spring Break. Now, I know most of you are like my lovely husband and are probably thinking I should be thankful for the extended break in the first place, and I will remind you, like I do him, that you too can go to school and get a teaching degree too becuase to be perfectly honest, that was one of my motivations for my chosen field. But I digress...the point is: I have days off, and to get the most out of them, I have resorted to one of my favorite OCD hobbies. I made a list of all the things I need to/want to get done:

  • Oil change (car is only a couple thousand miles over...oops)

  • Christmas shopping for hubby, Colton, and Josh's family members

  • Wrap Christmas presents

  • Go see Holiday Lights at the Beach (probably Christmas Eve)

  • Bake Christmas dinner contribution

  • Make cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning

  • Hit up Home Goods

  • Find some long-sleeve shirts

  • Work out Monday through Friday both weeks

  • Take clothes to Goodwill

  • Write thank you notes to my wonderful students' families

  • DIY curtain project

  • mirror project

  • set up cable in back rooms

  • move furniture in back rooms

  • Rake leaves OR hire someone to rake leaves (don't judge: I have a 9 month old baby boy to tend to at the same time; raking becomes much more difficult!)

  • paint guest room (?)

And of course, lots and lots of quality time with this guy:

So, I think that's it. I'm sure it won't all get done, but it certainly does make the break seem enticing, doesn't it??? What about you all? Do you have lists to conquer too, or do you just go with the flow?

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