
December 7, 2010

And Then It Happened...

We are 58 days into the school year (we have to count it for our calendar math series, I promise I am not crazy enough to be keeping track on my own), and day in and day out, my baby boy has trooped his way through daycare as I go and teach the youth of America. Earlier last week, I was lamenting this fact to Josh.

You see, working in an elementary school, I work with tons and tons of women, and I have seen the amount of time they need to take off to stay home with their sick children. Now, don't get me wrong...I, in no way, want my baby to be fact, nothing freaks me out more...but one day on which he is a tiny bit under the weather, when I can stay home from work and spend some time with my baby boy totally guilt free, does sound appealling. But just like any other "be careful what you wish for" situation, the morning after I finished telling Josh that I was kindof disappointed baby boy had not had a sick day yet, my cell phone rang while I was conducting a reading group. My screen lit up with "Holt" (babysitter's last name), and my heart just about dropped into my stomach. I answered it and the first thing she said was, "don't worry; there is no emergency..."momentary return to normal..."but there is something wrong..." enter heart pounding. She went on to tell me that Colton had been extremely fussy all morning, with cries that sounded like he was in pain. He had no fever, was eating fine, etc. but she said something just didn't seem right. I hung up, found my principal, told her I was leaving, and sped over to the babysitter's house, freaking out along the way. I also made a doctor's appointment for baby boy on my way to her house.
When I got there, Colton looked super pathetic and I immediately felt all sorts of guilt about "wishing" this upon him. He slept on the way home from the babysitter's house. Once we got to our house, I put him down in the living room with Chipper and a huge smile immediately spread across his face. Before I knew it, he was off...crawling, laughing, playing. Hmmm, I thought, but about an hour later I still bundled baby boy up for our aforementioned trip to the doctor's office. As usual, there was quite the wait at the doctor's hour to be exact...and Colton played the ENTIRE time we were there, and not just played...smiling, talking, flirting (with the cute 8 year old girl in the waiting room). It was becoming obvious that my baby boy was in no way sick, but I figured I had already paid our $20, so we may as well let the doctor check him out and know for sure. By the time she came in to see us and ask us what we were there for, the only answer I had for was "I don't know!"
Needless to say, baby boy was not sick, just playing hooky or granting mom's wish. But, I did learn a couple very important lessons from that experience: 1. be careful what you wish for, 2. in the event of a real emergency, I am going to be an absolute disaster.

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