
November 2, 2010

Weekend Jackpot

Most people love a bargain, and I am no exception. However, while others can scour thrift stores and score all kinds of loot, I typically have no luck with this kind of treasure hunting. Instead, I tend to rely on places like TJ Maxx and Target to provide me with my finds. With some extra time on my hands this weekend, this is what I was able to come up with:

First up...from TJ Maxx, my lovely white bowl, perfect for holding apples and other seasonally appropriate appropriate fillers. I have been on the search for quite some time for some sort of bowl to fulfill just this duty, so I'm excited to have found one. And the best part? It was only $10!!!! I mean, seriously, even my el cheapo husband didn't balk at that

Next up were these square mirrors in a my favorite apple green. While they could have been a little blah in their square shape, all it took was four mounting square each and these lovelies were able to hang in a much more exciting direction. See how they reflect the outside world and liven up that space?!? You ready for the price tag...$5 each, $10 total. Again, serious bargain...thank you Target, you really are one of my true loves

And finally, my most unexpected find. A parent had given me a $50 Walmart gift card at the beginning of the school year (really nice, huh!). Well, I loathe Walmart so I had yet to use the money. With a little spare time, though, many things can be accomplished, so while Colton was down for his nap, I ventured in....and man, am I glad I did!!! First thing, it was not nearly as trashy or crowded as I remembered from my last trip (!), and secondly, I found this beautiful floor-length beauty of a mirror for...wait for it...$44! For all you math whizzes out there, that means I actually scored the mirror for free, with $4 left on my gift card. I seriously might go back tomorrow for another one for our guest room. The only problem is the mirror is black, but that's nothing a little glossy white paint can't fix (stay tuned for tomorrow's post about that project).

So, there it fun weekend finds. Anybody else have any successes this weekend?

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