
November 24, 2010

Crazy Cockapoo Crisis

I am taking a timeout from my obsession with the upcoming Thanksgiving festivities to share with you a crisis we have in our house currently. To set the context, let me first show you a picture of our kitchen:

Of key importance here is the kitchen window...see it? It leads to our living room and right behind it is our couch. Well, crazy cockapoo has decided since me moved here that he would perch himself right on top of the couch and occasionally peer into the kitchen. It wasn't a big deal at first, but over time, he got a little bit more bold. We used to store Colton's bottle drying rack in between the coffee machine and the mixer, but said crazy cockapoo would climb through the window to get bottle parts on a nightly basis, leaving us without tops and other key parts. So, we moved the drying rack, and for awhile crazy cockapoo pretty much got over the kitchen counters.

Flash forward to now...I don't know exactly when this started, but gradually over the last month or so, crazy cockapoo has literally lost his marbles (I think) because he has started to climb, walk, take food from the counters, etc. Tonight, he hit a new high/low (call it what you will)...see that skillet of Sloppy Joe? Crazy cockpoo walked across our counters, on to the stove, and started eating out of that skillet!!!! SERIOUSLY?!?!

So here's the question. What the h-e-double hockey sticks do we do? Now that I have admitted to you all that Chipper proudly sports a shock collar, I can also tell you that is no success when it comes to this dilemma (told you it wasn't that strong!). Josh wants to put up shutters, but I shudder at how ugly they will be. Moving the couch is not really an option either, as the living room would then look really weird. Any suggestions? Please help me out!!!


  1. The people I babysit for have those electric fence points set up in random places around the house. The dogs will literally back away from an area when they get too close. I don't know where they got them or how much they cost, but it is worth looking into. Adam found Xen laying on top of the little fish tank on the countertop yesterday "observing" the fish. They are really starting to become obsessed with the aquariums, scary. Good Luck!

  2. I just stumbled across your blog through This Life of Ours--love it! That's so funny--our stairs run next to our counter and this week, for the first time ever I found my dog on the stove licking the pizza stone. I'm not sure what we're going to do, but the shutters sound like a good idea and I'm sure you could find cute ones!


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