
October 29, 2010

My Dad

My dad turns the big 5-5 this weekend. I personally love birthdays...mine particularly, but anyones. Its the only day of the year when attention should be and usually is turned towards one person. One day when that one person is reminded of how loved and appreciated he/she is. In that vein, allow me to brag about my dad for a minute. And when I say brag, I really do mean it; I noticed a few years ago that just mentioning who my father is makes me beam with pride. Sure, my dad has his fair share of work accomplishments to be proud of, but I think the thing that impresses me the most is how my dad has always put his family first, even when he was busy building his business. My dad drove me to 4AM swim practices before going to work, was at every swim meet my brother, sister, and I ever competed in, sucked it up to go the ridiculous "make your parent go to school day" for me in high school, and countless other things in my life. You see, my dad is THAT dad, the kind every girl hopes to have because I know without a doubt that my dad would do absolutely anything for me. My dad often comments that I grew up spoiled, that I am not appreciative of all the things that have been provided for me, and to an extent that is probably true. But as I have gotten older, I have grown to see how lucky I am, and for all the blessings in my life, I credit my dad. So, thank you dad....I love you; here's to many, many more!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to your Dad! You are a lucky woman!!!


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