
September 8, 2010

Holy Kick My Arse, Batman

Since giving birth to Colton in March, I have been really dilligent about hitting the gym and thus far, my hard work has paid off. Now that I am returning to work, though, one of my biggest concerns is how I am going to fit work outs in and continue my progress. After having baboo in daycare for 8+ hours a day, I cannot justify another hour at the gym daily. Intro, what I hope will be my saving grace...

I attempted Jillian's 30 Day Shred for the first time last week, and let me tell you, it seriously kicked my a** (and I consider myself to be in fairly good shape...6.6 on the treadmill for 30 minutes to give you a reference point). Jillian uses the 3-2-1 method: 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs. You work through that circuit 3 times in each workout, and seriously do not stop moving the entire time! The best part about this DVD is that each workout is less than 30 minutes, which means I can wake up a little early a couple days a week, knock this thing out, and spend my afternoon playing with baboo instead of rushing to a gym.

I'm only on workout 1 (the easiest of 3) for now, and may have to hang out here for quite some time, but I am excited that I may have found a solution to my little condruum! Try it out...let me know if you can't walk for days either:)

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