
August 24, 2010

Pillow love?

I am a pretty restless person; there is always something that needs (at least in my mind) to be done. Nowhere is this more true than in our house; Josh complains about my constant need to take on a "project" or spend money on a new product. The compromise I(***note: Josh does not believe this to be an adequate compromise***) have worked out is to simply decorate on the cheap, so that when I get a craving for a change, I can justify it. That being said, I still put an agonozingly insane amount of time and energy into these decsions.

Enter, current dilemna: our living room. Our living room is big and with a lot of windows, it should be the nice, bright room I am craving. It just isn't though. I am happy with our paint color (Benjamin Moore's Quiet just sounds serene, doesn't it) and mostly like the furniture we have in the room, but I think the dark furniture paired with the dark carpeting is making the room much darker than I had hoped. Carpet obviously needs replacement, and I am working on hubby for that, but in the meantime, I have decided the easiest/most cost effective solution is to work on playing with the accessories in the room.

After much research, I seem to be fixated on this pillow. The price is right, but I'm just not totally sold. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it comes from PB Teen, and that makes me worry it somehow says "I belong in a cool teen's room" not "I belong in a family's comfy, classy living room." What do you think? Is this a good pillow to jumpstart my living room redo (in the blue/green, not pink!) or should I keep looking?

1 comment:

  1. I love the pattern, but it is hard to tell from the website how bright the blue is. If it is not too neon, I think it would be a great fit for the room :)


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